Carl A. Worthington & Associates
Planning - Selected Projects

Kigali New City Center, Rwanda,
The Republic of Rwanda and City of Kigali deployed our Team to create a Conceptual Master Plan for 3-4 million people to support Rwanda’s vision for the future--to become an important center of stability and development for the entire continent of Africa. The vision has drawn global community interest, and the population of the Capital City of Kigali is growing rapidly. One focus was to create a high density urban center that accommodates anticipated growth and economic activity. A new City Master Plan incorporates sustainable housing, livable community concepts, renewable energy sources, green design and a methodology for improving conditions in the informal hillside housing settlements which captures the spirit of the new Rwandan society. Our team has also completed four Sub-Area Master Plans, another new town called Rwamagana, Bugesera International Airport Master Plan, as well as a $100 million expansion of King Faisal Hospitals.
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Carl A . Worthington & Associates/OZ Architecture

Konza Technology City
Konza Technology City is located 60 km from Nairobi, Kenya's capital and largest city, on 5,000 acres of land for 250,000 people, formerly known as Malili Ranch. The A109 highway connects Konza to Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, and Mombasa, the primary port of entry to East Africa and Kenya's second -largest city. The Konza Technology City is a proposed new city that aims to foster the grwth of the technology industry in Kenya with a high quality life by 2030. Konza aims to be a global technology hub, folcused on four economic sectors that will advance technology spending and technology growth in Kenya: education, life sciences, telecom, and ITO/BPO. The planning being done is currently for Phase 1, which would accomodate 30,000 people in the same 5,000 acre site.
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Carl A. Worthington & Associates/OZ Architecture/HR&A Advisors/SHoP Architects/Dalberg/Centre for Urban and Regional Planning/Tetra Tech

Denver Technological Center, CO
Started in 1962, the 850 acre Master Plan is composed of a series of neighborhoods ranging in size from 20 to 80 acres which contain a full mix of Office, Residential, and Commercial originally planned to be linked by internal pedestrian systems interspersed with plazas and park linkages, and served by extensively landscaped parkways, acting as the major Town Center of Southeast Denver. Provisions have been made in the long-range plan for complete interface between pedestrian, bus, and regional light-rail transit, expanding exsiting bus and shuttle service, emphasizing reducing auto/energy usage. Over 25 million square feet of buildings have been completed.
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Carl A . Worthington & Associates

Tomatoh, Tomakomai New Town, Japan, Master Plan
The proposal to re-zone the Tomakomai site from industrial to urban mixed-use engendered this Master Plan which envisions a city of 60,000- - 100,000 people distributed throughout a community that intersperses nature and urbanism: a central downtown core, is surrounded by three villages, set in the woods. The site is organized into a star pattern keeping residents within walking distance of the market, park zone, and business core.
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Carl A. Worthington Design Principal/Jerde Partnership International

Pearl Street Mall Master Plan, Boulder, CO
The Downtown Boulder Pedestrian Mall – now called the "Crown Jewel of Boulder" – is nationally recognized as a sterling example of innovative downtown revitalization. Carl started the movement in 1966 to save decaying Downtown Boulder as a Planning Board Member. In 1973, Carl was asked to prepare the first phase Master Plan. After 1 year of public meetings, the Master Plan was approved by 86%. After more than three years of planning, design (by Everett Ziegel Associates Sasaki Associates, and Comm Arts), and meetings, during which many political twists and turns nearly scuttled the project, the grand opening of the Pearl Street Mall was held on August 6, 1977. The project revitalized the downtown Boulder area by reclaiming four blocks of the street for a new pedestrian mall, today attracting 4 million visitors a year, and housing over 100 restaurants in 10 blocks.
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Carl A. Worthington & Associates, Master Plan/Everett Ziegel, Sasaki Associates, Comm Arts, Final Design.

Superior Town Center, Superior, CO
To ensure that the goals and vision of the Superior Town Center (STC) are realized, a proposal to develop a new Town Center for the community was established. The development of the new Town Center includes approximately one-million sf. of office, commercial, entertainment, accommodations and residential land uses within the 84 acre STC. With this proposal, there is a vision for a uniquely identifiable “Town Center” that incorporates a multitude of vertically and horizontally integrated uses. The overall development intent is to create a well-used and well-loved pedestrian-oriented place of enduring value that serves the north Metro Denver area and Boulder County.
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Carl A. Worthington & Associates LLC/OZ Architecture/MIG/Winston